date: Mon, Sep 8, 2008 at 1:13 PM
subject: Temporary signs at Stafford Road / Richmond Road
Hello, I'm writing to complain about the "temporary" signs on Richmond Road in Bells Corners, at the corner of Stafford Road. They belong to the Giant Tiger (address: 1 Stafford Road).
I understand that
the sign bylaw allows 1 sign, for 1 month, for 3 times a year. Giant Tiger has had at least one sign up at this location since it opened in the early summer, and now has three signs (photo attached).
Secondly, I believe all the signs are in contravention of the regulation that they must be 23 m from other temporary signs. The first sign is certainly closer than that to the East Side Mario's sign (which has also been up all summer).
Could you tell me: 1) what the permit situation is with these signs and 2) whether they are in contravention of the sign bylaw?
Ohhh! there is a bylaw? That is awesome! Let us know what you hear back. I am glad GT is there, but they have 3!!! signs up... and they are UGLY not to mention all the rest of them on the strip - GT is just the newest one.
Hi natalie, yes indeed, there is a bylaw:
I can understand that the city's bylaw officers don't have time to note every single temporary sign, and track how long it's been up. Therefore, it's up to us, the residents of Bells Corners, to do so.
Let me know if you report any to 311!
I agree 100% these signs are ugly and pollute the image of our neighborhoods and streets.
Looks like the city of Ottawa is taking in a lot of money from these signs.
Why would city managers want to enforce a law that reduces there revenue?
David in Nepean
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