reimagining suburbia

Tuesday, October 7, 2008

Nepean This Week Doesn't Believe In Google

Some hard-hitting journalism over at Nepean This Week, under the headline Community believes Conservatives come out on top at Nepean-Carleton debate:

Conservative leader Pierre Poilievre received the most positive audience reaction during the two hour debate. ... Richard Fromm, 41, of Barrhaven has two children and was upset with Mahfouz’s answer when questioned about his position on young offenders. “The Liberal candidate is opposed to tackling violent crime, this concerns me,” he said. Fromm believed that Pierre Poilievre was the most professional of the candidates. “Pierre came out on top,” said Fromm.

Fascinating stuff. Richard Fromm of Barrhaven, concerned community member, giving his objective, non-partisan view of the debate. I wonder if he's related to Richard Fromm, former President of the Ottawa West-Nepean Conservative Association?

But wait, there's more:
“I am very concerned about the cost of living with the carbon tax.” Bill Ayyad, 44, a resident of Centrepointe said after watching the debate he will be voting conservative. “Pierre did very well. He had an in-depth knowledge of the issues”.
Just another average Joe voter, attending the debate, giving his dispassionate and reasoned views to the community newspaper. I winder if he's related to Bill Ayyad, Chair of Community Affairs for the Nepean-Carleton Conservative Association? It's hard to believe that Nepean This Week could dissappoint with a new low in journalistic standards, but they just did. Their "reporter", Meghan Graham, must be either a Conservative plant, or incompetent. The smart money is on "all of the above".

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