reimagining suburbia

Tuesday, December 9, 2008

More signs of the times

Ottawa isn't the only place with a sign problem:
"It's currently the wild west," said Councillor Adam Vaughan. "You can put up a sign for five or six years, and make hundreds of thousands of dollars off it, and nothing happens.
I like most of these proposals for a new TO sign by-law, all of which would help out the Bells Corners Strip:
  • Require illuminated signs to be powered by renewable energy or demand the purchase of offsets
  • Consider times when illuminated signs must be turned off
  • Limit the maximum area that signs can occupy in a window
  • License sign companies
  • Create a dedicated sign unit with the city building department to issue permits, inspect, monitor and enforce the new bylaw

Also a link to a great web site: ... we need one of these for Ottawa!

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